Children (4 -12 years)

Soft and delicate pastel drawing depicting a child's face.

It is easy for children to be overwhelmed by big feelings from their experiences and this can be communicated through their behaviour and/ or physical symptoms like stomach aches with no underlying medical cause. 

Children often do not have the language to describe, name or make sense of their experiences and feelings due to their age and developmental stage. If your child is demonstrating concerning behaviour such as being withdrawn, anxious, harming themselves or not being able to regulate their emotions and/or has experienced unwanted attention or loss.  I can offer a safe empathic space for these issues to be approached and explored through therapeutic play and the creative arts.

Fun modelling clay figures with shocked expression on isolated white background.

Counselling Sessions

In their sessions with me your child will have access to a variety of play and creative materials to express and process their difficulties. These can include sand & water, arts & crafts materials, small figures & animals, dressing up clothes, and musical instruments, and can be adapted to your child’s needs and preference and will enable your child to be the author of their own story.

Cheerful cartoon illustration showcasing a diverse array of children's faces.